Sharing my experiences of living Gluten Free, after being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in 2000.
Please be aware that anything I write is my personal experience(s).

If you are to visit any of the places I mention, please ensure you check that they are still trading before you visit and it's your responsibility to ensure the food you eat is suitable for you! If you are to follow any of the recipes, please ensure you check your ingredients are suitable for you.

My advice: PLEASE get yourself the latest Coeliac UK Food Directory rather than poisoning yourself!

Monday 18 June 2012

Gluten Free in Tuscany, Italy

On a recent trip to Tuscany (Pisa, Lucca and Florence) I was excited at the prospect of being able to enjoy Pizza AND Pasta in ITALY!

I (as usual for my foreign travels) went armed with GF emergency supplies - crackers, St Dalfour bean salad and cake bars.
My can of St Dalfour bean salad wasn't needed whilst in Italy and so travelling home with it, it got some weird looks, taken away and almost confiscated at airport security coming home. I enjoyed this whilst in the airport in Pisa waiting to fly back!

I even managed to speak to Ryanair ahead of my outbound journey, who authorised the additional bag containing my medical supplies, with a letter to present at the airports. I also took a letter from my GP that states I can only eat GF foods.

"Senze Glutine" is the phrase to learn. If you know no other Italian, this will save your life!

I booked my stay in a rustic B&B in Bagni Di Lucca, at the Park Hotel Regina.
When I made my booking, I requested "1x senza glutine" and was thrilled when, at breakfast time, there was a separate marked basket containing a range of GF foods: crackers, muesli (oat free too), cakes, biscuits. With the good Italian coffee, bottled water and fresh fruit, I certainly didn't go hungry.

I found the Italian Coeliac society very helpful and their website is amazing.
Click on the orange tab (third along) "Dieta Senza Glutine"
Click on the fourth along title "Alimentazione Fuori Casa"
Then down the left hand menu, select your chosen establishment; restaurant / B&B / Gelaterie (ice cream) etc.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will see two drop down boxes
Select your region in the first tab (eg: Toscana) and your town / area in the second tab (eg: Lucca)
You will then be presented with a list of APPROVED and tested GF places.

My first meal after landing was in Lucca at Buca Di S.Antonio.
Here, after meeting my Italian friend, we both enjoyed GF pasta. Hers with tomato sauce, mine with courgette and butter. Yummy!

That same night, further along in Bagni Di Lucca, I enjoyed a GF Pizza! This was at a La Lira which was a restauranty type pub. Cheaply priced and filling but not a gourmet experience!

The following day on a trip to Florence, I stopped off at a supermarket en route and picked up some cheese and Italian cured ham which I enjoyed with my DS mini crackers for a lunch time picnic in the car park in Florence before venturing into town!
Once in town and sandwiched between the main touristy sites, I hunted down a GF gelato shop, called Grom, down a cute little street - it was very busy - obviously the place to find good gelato!

Another evening, I enjoyed a GF meal at the sister hotel, Corona Hotel, on the riverside in Bagni di Lucca. Whilst they are not on the celiachia website, they were able to cater for me and advised what was suitable and what I should avoid. Bit pricey but great food and great location. Extremely helpful and friendly staff too.

Overall, a fantastic holiday and GF experience and I'm looking forward to more trips, planned and coordinated around my findings on !

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