Sharing my experiences of living Gluten Free, after being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in 2000.
Please be aware that anything I write is my personal experience(s).

If you are to visit any of the places I mention, please ensure you check that they are still trading before you visit and it's your responsibility to ensure the food you eat is suitable for you! If you are to follow any of the recipes, please ensure you check your ingredients are suitable for you.

My advice: PLEASE get yourself the latest Coeliac UK Food Directory rather than poisoning yourself!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

DS Pastry, Gluten Free Mincemeat Tarts

Gluten Free Mincemeat Tarts

Really simple to make using:
DS Gluten Free (frozen) shortcrust pastry
Robinson's classic mincemeat (gluten free at the time I bought it, but please check now).

  • Roll out the thawed out pastry and cut into rounds.
  • Fill each section of a bun tin with a pastry round
  • Put a dessert spoon of the mincemeat into each
  • Top with either a smaller round or like I did, a shape of pastry
  • Bake around 180-200c until nicely golden
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar.

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